Monday, May 21, 2007

You Win Some You Lose Some

The theme of this weekend was soccer. Grace's team (the Cheetah's) had a game on Saturday and one on Sunday. The head coach was out of town so Craig as the assistant coach was in charge for both games. On Saturday the girls won and played a great game. Grace scored one goal that was taken away because the referee said the goalie had possession. The goalie wasn’t even close enough to touch the ball! Grace’s teammate had taken a shot and it didn’t go in but Grace was in position and just tapped it in. I told her it counted as far as I was concerned. She scored a second goal that was a beautiful kick with the ball sailing in over the goalie’s head. It was pretty and counted!

Sunday’s game was tough. They played the top team. This team has several very talented players and they played dirty and have learned how to act to get a penalty kick when our team isn't even near them or the ball. Several of our players were hurt. Grace took an elbow to the chest but kept on playing. The Cheetah's lost but almost all played their best and you can't ask for more than that.

I have attached pictures from the game. I still haven’t mastered capturing Grace while she has a great play. Hannah and Rachael are not the best spectators but as you can see they find something to do.

This weekend Craig worked on removing a large tree stump. The more he digs the more roots he finds. These roots are as big as trees themselves. Dynamite seems like the answer at this point but I don’t think the city would approve.

On Sunday we attempted to take a family bike ride. We recently purchased a bike trailer (see picture) for Craig’s bike. The plan was for Rachael to ride on this while Hannah and Grace rode their bikes. Rachael was her true stubborn self (I have no idea where she gets that) and would not ride on the trailer. Hannah decided to ride on it and it worked great for her and Craig. Grace was fine on her own bike. Rachael was, well stubborn. She will not pedal backwards to brake. Her preferred method is either to drag her feet or turn onto the grass. She won’t ride up or down hills (her idea of a hill is anything that is not perfectly flat.) We got to Nana and Papa’s house and I had enough. Rachael and I turned around and went home. I wonder if she would ride in one of those trailers that the child sits in? I hesitate to spend the money and have her refuse to sit in it!

1 comment:

Nicki said...

You'all tried a family bike ride? Impressive. This blog thing really does keep you in better touch. About the worth buying, well is not worth buying unless you are truly going to use it a lot. Wait it out, she'll be ready for bike rides soon enough.