Monday, June 4, 2007

Rain, Rain, Come This Way

Thursday was the girls’ last day of school. We celebrated by going to Graeter’s Ice Cream and to the pool. The picture of Grace and Hannah is from their last day. Rachael would not have her picture taken that early in the morning. She is her mother’s child – not a morning person. We have already started what I believe will be a pattern for the summer. Swim suits on, line up for sunscreen and out the door to the YMCA pool for a few hours and then home to play in the backyard.

Don and Janice (Craig’s parents) gave us a membership to the Y for Christmas. We have been using it, but find we are using it almost daily during the summer. Once we are back from vacation we will sign all three up for swim lessons and try to convince Hannah to try a gymnastics class. She is too athletic and flexible not to give it a try! I still remember the swim lessons when I was a kid. Early in the morning and the water was cold!! It has been reported to me by one of Hannah’s friends that tradition continues. Hopefully by waiting until later in the summer the girls will avoid the cold water.

On Friday night Hannah fell asleep at the top of the stairs. It reminded me of my sister Nicki as a kid, so I had to take a picture. At least Hannah made it all the way to the top.

During the week repairs were done on our front walk from the driveway to the front of the house. The concrete slabs were far from even. For Craig and my birthday Don and Janice had that repaired. Once again it was done without my having to take time off of work and this time without having to write a check. I wish all repair work was this easy! Craig and his parents worked hard on the front of the yard on Sunday. They planted a new tree, flowers and ivy and mulched. Now we need the rain. We are in a drought and in great need. I have attached a few photos of the work on the front of the house as well as the roses in the back of the house. They are called Knock Out Roses and they live up to their name.

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