Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hannah goes bowling

At Rosa Parks Elementary Hannah and Grace participate in a program entitled Accelerated Reading (A.R.). They read books from a list then take a test on the book and earn points based on the test score. The program includes incentives for reaching certain point levels– a popcorn party in the winter and an end of the year bowling party. As you move up a grade the points required increase. For Hannah it was 12.5 points for the popcorn party and 25 for the bowling party, Grace had to have 25 for the winter party and 50 by the end of the year. For three years Grace has earned the needed points by Christmas. Hannah didn’t have all her points until February and only after I pushed a little bit. Hannah is her own best motivator so I was a little concerned. I found out that she didn’t want to go to the bowling party. Hannah is resistant to try new things – especially in front of her peers or in a large crowd. At least weekly I heard her say she didn’t want to go to the bowling party. I decided she and I would go bowling together so she could learn about bowling and spend time alone with Mom. Craig told her he would go with her as a chaperone on the day of the bowling party. Never did we say she had to go to the party but it was pretty clear that we were not giving her that option.

She and I went the weekend before the school bowling party. After acquiring the necessary and fashionable shoes I asked for the lightest weight ball and had the gutters pulled up. I showed Hannah how to bowl (okay more like how I bowl but to her it looked right.) Even with the lightest ball she had trouble “throwing” the ball with one arm. I told her we were there for fun and there were no bowling police watching us. Whatever worked for her was just fine. We decided the best way for her to bowl was two handed between her legs. With the gutters up she always hit at least one pin. She even had a couple of spares. The big smile on her face told me that I had changed her mind about the bowling party. I am sure the tater tots and candy didn’t hurt either.

The day of the bowling party I made sure Craig knew about the gutters needing to be up, getting the lightest weight ball behind the counter and to let her bowl any way she wanted. She bowled in a lane with several of her friends and her Dad cheering her on. That day she not only had spares but strikes. Now that we have her comfortable with bowling my next challenge is to get her to go camping – say a few prayers for me - this one will not be easy!

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