Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Visit from Murray Kelly's

The weekend after Rachael's birthday, the girls' cousins from Murray came to stay with Nana and Papa for the weekend. Cam will be eleven (?) this November, Kess is 8 and Caden is 5. Overall the kids played well together and Cam was very patient with all the younger kids and dealing with 4 girls! Rachael liked to take care of Caden by bringing him his blanket and rubbing his back. Pretty funny given that Caden is a few weeks older than Rachael.

I am very behind in my posts to the blog - busy doing things to write about so I don't have time to write! I am trying to catch up - my rule right now is less text, more pictures. Pictures usually say it all anyway. By-the-way, notice the pictures below have sweaters on the girls - in July and as I type this it is October 14 and it will be 85 degrees today. Don't tell me we aren't messing up the world's climate!

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