Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Hannah is Six!

In the past few weeks we have been enjoying summer and family. On June 23 we had a birthday party for Hannah. Both sets of Grandparents, Uncle Drew and cousin Emily all attended as well as several of Hannah’s friends from school. It was very hot so the girls nixed many of the games planned for the back yard. Thankfully we have a basement that is ready for a lot of little girls.

Rachael played hostess – telling everyone good-bye and giving them each a hug. The girls that knew Rachael were not surprised but the others were not so sure of Hannah’s out going sister. In the past Hannah has been overwhelmed and withdrawn at her own birthday parties. This year having it at home with only 4 girls who were not relatives or close friends from the neighborhood helped. She was not as outgoing as Rachael but mostly happy.

After much discussion with family about Rachael’s snoring, sleep problems, breathing problems, symptoms that look like allergies and frequent throat infections we took her to the ENT last week. Rachael has tonsils the size of walnuts. When I sit with her quietly to read she sounds like she is snoring but she is wide-awake. The doctor said that they might shrink between the ages of 8-10 but that her tonsils would have to shrink A LOT to make a difference and he doubts it will happen. We scheduled outpatient surgery to remove her tonsils and adenoids for August 8. We are convinced it will improve her quality of life and that of our family.

Hannah goes back to the Pediatric surgeon next week. We saw the doctor last year regarding her herniated bellybutton. At that visit he told us she was past the age in which it would correct itself. We decided to put off surgery not wanting to traumatize her right before she started Elementary school. Now it is time to get this done. Our insurance has a $4,000 deductible. Once we reach that amount everything including prescriptions is covered at 100% for the rest of the calendar year. If we are going to putting out that kind of money between the two girls we might as well get them both done this year.

As always I have attached a few photos. Make sure to take a close look at Rachael playing the egg game. She has the Newman thing with the tongue! We are looking forward to a restful Fourth of July. Happy Birthday America!

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