Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Rachael's birthday continue

For Rachael’s birthday we took the girls to Gattitown for dinner. Gattitown is similar to Chuckie Cheese. They have a pizza/pasta/salad buffet and a playroom with arcade style games and a carousel. The kids had a great time, Craig and I survived. Going on a week night did help with the noise level and number of kids crammed into one room. Rachael says, "I am cute!" about the picture of her in the birthday girl t-shirt. One of the best hand-me-downs from their cousins in California.

I remembered to take the camera to swim class and have attached a few pictures. For some reason when I take pictures at the indoor pool they look grainy – may have something to do with the high temperature and humidity. I enjoy watching Rachael in her class. The kids sit on the edge of the pool and take turns getting in with the instructor. Every time Rachael has a turn she has a giant smile on her face the entire time. Once she is back on the pool edge she looks to me to make sure I have seen how well she is doing.

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