Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Disney on Ice

When I received a flier from our local Girl Scout council advertising special ticket prices for Disney on Ice I thought of Hannah. Given her recent interest I thought it might be fun for her to see some professional skaters and a good family activity. I asked the girls if they would be interested and they said yes. I ordered early so we got great tickets (it may also help that I know the big event coordinator at Rupp Arena.) On the actual date of the show there was some dissension in ranks. Disney?! That will be for babies! Of course Hannah asked about 40 questions I couldn't answer regarding what characters would be there, how long the show would be, etc. I am happy to report that after the show Grace told me she was surprised to find that she enjoyed the show and everyone had a good time. Our next family "cultural" event will be a local production of The King and I. I promise I am trying to balance this stuff!

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