Wednesday, April 22, 2009

March 4 -A Big Day for Three of Us

March 4, 2009 was a big day for three of us. Hannah and Grace were asked to be Honorary Senate Pages for the Kentucky Senate and I, well I turned 30 plus 10. Grace and Hannah were pages for Senator Alice Forgy Kerr who it turns out lives in our neighborhood. She spent a lot of time talking to the girls and really getting to know them. Don and Janice picked up the girls from school early and brought them to Frankfort. They had lunch with Dad, saw a few sights in the Capitol Building and then went to work. Before heading to the Senate they saw Governor Beshear. Many years ago Craig worked for the now Governor and true to a good politician he remembered Craig (and of course Craig's Dad) and stopped to get his picture taken with the girls. Later in the Senate they had their picture taken with now Senator Julian Carroll, a former Governor. Two Governors in one day - pretty good!

Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear

Senator Alice Forgy Kerr

Senator Julian Carroll (former Governor)

Girls being intruced to the Senate by Senator Kerr

I was not looking forward to my birthday mostly due to the fact that it is one of my hardest days of the year for work and my boss who was scheduled to fly in from NY wasn't coming due to a snow storm on the East Coast. It was going to be a long day. Thanks to family, co-workers and people I work with outside of my company it was a great day. My sister sent me a present and beautiful flowers. I had a great lunch and many other gifts and cards. Craig and my gift to each other for our birthdays this year as well as our upcoming 15 year anniversary was a trip. Craig did the planning and gave me the details of a trip to Las Vegas on my birthday. If I had known how good everyone would treat me at 40 I would have looked forward to it!

Mom's birthday celebration at Nana and Papa's house

Flowers from Nicki, Dan, Anna and Milo

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